Animal Crossing New Horizons hype

Hi, Trainers! It’s been a few years… again. I’m sorry. Let’s skip passed the awkward greeting. Yes, there’s the elephant in the room. I plan on writing a post about why I don’t do the podcast, so we don’t have to talk about it here. I kind of want to talk about Animal Crossing New Horizons. I’m excited for it. I realize I should probably talk about something Pokémon related on this Pokémon-themed website, but oh well!

Let’s just start by acknowledging that I am not an Animal Crossing expert. I’m not even a Pokémon expert any longer. Sad, I know. The only Animal Crossing game I’ve ever played is Animal Crossing Wild World for the Nintendo DS. I don’t know the names of all the villagers. I don’t understand the Froggy Chair memes. Regardless of all that, I loved playing Wild World. If I remember correctly, I completed all of the museum collectibles – fossils, fish and bugs, but I may have been missing a painting or two. Took me nearly a year and a half, but it felt worth it. My house was fully upgraded and decked out with event-exclusive furniture. I had some of my favorite villagers as neighbors. My town wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was mine.

For those who care, my town name was Domino. Named after the Domino City Duelist Tournament from the second season of Yu-gi-oh! My character name was Pyro because I’ve always had a thing for fire. The town flag was even the Seal of Orichalcos because why not. Tortimer seemed to dig it.

I always felt at peace in my little town. I had my weekly routine set. Daily town maintenance, chat with my most prized villagers and then handle any business. Every Saturday evening, I’d head over to The Roost and have a chat with Brewster while I waited for K.K. Slider’s 8 p.m. concert. After the show was over, I’d take some time for daily tasks and then head to the beach for some fishing before going to bed IRL. It was my little world. My escape. Animal Crossing was never a game I binged for hours. I could play for around an hour and be satisfied. It was my way of decompressing from my real life and pretending to live a more peaceful one. This can be said about anyone’s hobby or any other game, but Wild World was special for me.

New Horizons is only days away, but I’m really looking forward to playing it. I hope to get a mix of nostalgia and those same peaceful feelings when I boot up the game. I’ll definitely be playing more than an hour, as I get used to things. I can’t wait to see all the differences in New Horizons versus Wild World.

Animal Crossing New Horizons will be released on Friday, March 20th.

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