Happy New Year 2014, from Pokedex Radio! – FSPR69

Happy New Year, Trainers! Let’s start this year off by taking a look at last year to see if I accomplished any of my New Year’s resolutions and looking forward to the new year.

Mewtwo — Prologue to Awakening to air on Cartoon Network on Jan. 11, 2014

The Pokémon movie Genesect and the Legend Awakened and its special half-hour prologue, Mewtwo — Prologue to Awakening, will air on Jan. 11 at 8:30 a.m. (ET, PT) on Cartoon Network in the United States. This is the first time we will be viewing the Prologue in English. The original Japanese version has been uploaded to sites like YouTube since it was aired in TV Tokyo in July 2013.

Austin’s 2014 New Year’s Resolutions

I only really fulfilled two of my 2013 New Year’s Resolutions. Last year, I published 36 episodes of the Pokedex Radio podcast, which is more than my resolution asked for, so that makes me happy. I feel that I was also able to save up some money compared to what I have been doing over the past few years. All of my other resolutions were kind of put on the back-burner. I was not able to finish any of the Pokémon games. Hopefully this year works out a little better.

  1. Publish at least 40 episodes of Pokedex Radio
  2. Lose some weight and get more active
  3. Finish fixing, cleaning, and renovating my house
  4. Save money

Question of the Episode

What are you anticipating for Pokémon for the new year? Are there any announcements you want to hear this year?

Pokémon of the Episode: #715 Noivern

Noivern is the Sound Wave Pokémon. It can have the Abilities Frisk, Infiltrator, or the Hidden Ability Telepathy. It stands at 4’11” (1.5m) tall and weighs 187.4 pounds (85.0kg). Noivern is Flying- and Dragon-type.

Noibat evolves into Noivern at level 48.

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4 Comments on “Happy New Year 2014, from Pokedex Radio! – FSPR69

  1. I hope they announce a Ruby and Sapphire remake in 2014. I’m also hoping for a new Stadium/ Battle Revolution game for the Wii U in 2014. It’s going to be a great year.

      • Frankie – making a Ruby and Sapphire sequel would need to make sense with the overall story line of Pokémon. I’m wondering if they will ever bring Red back to see what he did in the years between the first and second generation.

    • Michael – I would love to see a Ruby and Sapphire remake sometime soon. Of course, we may be seeing something else entirely. A new console game would be interesting, especially seeing the rumors of Pokémon Plus and Minus.

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