Gotta Catch Em All Sweepstakes and more Pokemon X and Y updates – FSPR54

Codes are now popping up around the web to enter into the Pokémon Gotta Catch Em All sweepstakes to win cool prizes!

There is a sweepstakes that started on September 16, 2013, and ends on October 6, 2013, that gives away cool Pokemon prizes. It is a four (4) week sweepstakes and one person each week will win a Nintendo 3DS, four people each week will win a digital download code for Pokemon X, four people each week will win a digital download code for Pokemon Y, and a few other prizes. If you are unable to find the codes online, a free code is given in the Pokémon Gotta Catch ‘Em All Hunt Sweepstakes Official Rules – XY738A. This sweepstakes is only available to those in the United States.

More updates for the Pokémon X and Y games keep flooding the Internet. Litleo’s evolution, Pyroar, has been revealed and has two very distinct male and female forms. The fossil Pokémon Amaura and Tyrunt evolve into Aurorus and Tyrantrum, respectively. Kalos starter Pokémon evolutions got English names – Chespin evolves into Quilladin, Fennekin evolves into Braixen and Froakie evolves into Frogadier. There is a lot more information, listen to the episode to find it all out!

Kalos Pokémon will NOT get Mega Evolutions, which is a HUGE bummer. There have been some things in the new Pokémon X and Y games that are interesting like your Pokémon will now gain EXP when you catch the wild Pokémon it was battling. And you can now run from the beginning of the game.

Here are all of the videos I mentioned in this episode:

Pokémon of the Episode: #297 Hariyama


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