Pokemon Bank, Poke Transporter and Kanto Starter Mega Evolutions – FSPR52

More updates for the new Pokemon X and Y games! A cloud-based storage system has been revealed along with Mega Evolutions for the Kanto Starters.

The cloud is ever-growing and is starting to encompass everything we do. We store documents in the cloud (for example, these show notes were written in Google Drive), we store our music in the cloud and we store our pictures in the cloud. Why can’t we store our Pokémon in the cloud? Well, you can! The new Pokemon Bank is a paid service, but will be offered as a free trial to test drive it. You can store up to 3000 Pokémon in the new storage system and is only compatible with Pokemon X and Y. But for those who have hundreds of Pokemon in their Black and White or Black 2 and White 2 games, there is the Poke Transporter. The Trasnporter comes bundled with Pokemon Bank and allows you to transfer your Pokémon to the Bank from Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X and Y. The Pokémon transferred from the Generation V games cannot return to them, but you can bring them into your X and Y version games. The service will be available for a one month free trial until January 31, 2014. Once your trial ends, you have the option of paying the $5 annual fee for the service.

The most exciting thing announced in the latest Pokemon Direct – Kanto Starter Mega Evolutions!

These new Mega Evolutions look amazing. You should have seen my reaction to this news. Also, Professor Sycamore will be giving you one of these three starters at the beginning of Pokémon X and Y after you receive your Kalos region starter from your friend in the game. So, I guess this means we begin the game with two starters instead of one? Interesting.

The Pokedex Radio podcast was recently spotlighted on another podcast called The School of Podcasting. I was surprised to hear this while listening to the latest episode. I thank Dave Jackson (the host of the School of Podcasting) for his compliments of how good the show audio sounds.

Pokemon of the Episode: #229 Houndoom


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