Pokémon GO virtual trespassing lawsuit and what the Nintendo Switch needs to do next – FSPR96

Pokémon GO virtual trespassing lawsuit and what the Nintendo Switch needs to do next – FSPR96

Pokémon GO virtual trespassing lawsuit

Pokémon GO, the augmented reality mobile game where we can catch Pokémon anywhere in the world, has been under constant fire on whether or not it is unfair for Pokémon to spawn on private property. Multiple parties have filed lawsuits against Niantic, the Pokémon Company and Nintendo. These parties are claiming that Pokémon Gyms, Pokéstops and Pokémon have been placed on their private property without consent. These lawsuits are claiming nuisance and unjust enrichment. The plaintiffs claim that this is not just considered trespassing, but virtual trespassing. Trespassing requires an unauthorized entry of tangible objects onto property. The plaintiffs are urging the Court to make a new law to include virtual objects in the trespassing definition. Niantic filed a reply refuting the claims by stating, “There is no legal support for, and no need for, the expansion of the law Plaintiffs advocate, so the Court should reject their theory.” If accepted, the “virtual trespassing” law could be the end of a lot more mobile apps than just Pokémon GO.

What the Nintendo Switch needs to do next

So I bought a Switch! I LOVE my new pseudo-handheld console.

The Switch needs to fix a few things before I feel comfortable calling it my new favorite system (even thought it already is). The Switch has no third-party apps like Netflix, Hulu or YouTube. Where is the web browser? I’d like to surf the Internet on my Zelda box, please. Launch titles were somewhat lackluster. Don’t get me wrong, I’m LOVING Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but I want more than one game. I’ll be more excited when the next Smash Bros. or Pokémon game is finally announced. With a reboot/port of Mario Kart 8, simply called Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, I’m not really too excited for 2017’s lineup. Of course, I will buy MK8D and I’m patiently waiting for Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. I’m not the biggest fan of the Super Mario games, but Super Mario Odyssey looks pretty cool because it’s an sandbox/open-world game (something I think more games should do). I just want an open-world Pokémon game – that’s the dream.

I am still super cautious of all the issues surrounding the Switch, including the new “BendGate” fiasco. Users are reporting bent Switch consoles after leaving them in the dock for too long, causing the system to warp from the heat. I will NOT be using the dock at all, mostly because I love the idea of a handheld system. I love my Nintendo Switch, but Nintendo really needs to address these compounding issues.

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