Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter release postponed – FSPR68

The Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter release date has been postponed until further notice due to the high volume of Trainers purchasing them from the Nintendo eShop and others also registering Nintendo Network IDs.

nintendo 3ds error code

After opening my new Nintendo 3DS XL that my girlfriend bought for me for Christmas this past week, I was playing around with it and decided to see what’s available on the Nintendo eShop. A notification popped up saying that I needed to update my firmware in order to continue to the eShop. I agreed, and I started the update… and waited.

An error has occurred. Unable to update.

Like everyone else around the world, I noticed that the Nintendo servers were pretty much down. I assumed that it was because of the surge of people setting up their new Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Wii U systems, and I was right. I thought it would only last a few hours or possibly a day. I did not realize that we would now have to wait in order to download the Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter. As of this posting, the Nintendo eShop is showing them having a “TBD” release date, and as I’m writing this post, I am unable to access the Nintendo eShop.

Nintendo is shutting down the eShop to compensate for traffic from around the world. According to a Facebook post by Nintendo, the eShop will be down for 12 hours starting at 4 p.m. Dec. 28, 2013. So, Sunday morning at 4 a.m., we should be able to get on the eShop once again.

Unlike most others, I am not upset that we will not be receiving the Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter on time. I understand the flooding of the Nintendo servers due to the holiday purchases. This just shows how popular video games are and how much we adore them as a society.

Nintendo wasn’t the only company to see problems during the 2013 holiday season. The PlayStation Network, Xbox Live and Steam have all had their own issues over the past few days.

How do you feel about the Nintendo network being down for so long? Do you think it was a falure of Nintendo to predict the weight on their servers?

Pokémon of the Episode: #460 Abomasnow

Abomasnow is the Frosted Tree Pokémon. It can have the Abilities Snow Warning or Soundproof. It stands at 7’03” (2.2m) tall and weighs 298.7 pounds (135.5kg). Abomasnow is Grass- and Ice-type.

Snover evolves into Abomasnow at level 40 and can Mega Evolve into Mega Abomasnow with the Mega Stone Abomasnowite.

Mega Abomasnow has the Ability Snow Warning. It stands at a height of 8’10” (2.7m) and weighs 407.8 pounds (185kg). Mega Abomasnow remains Grass- and Ice-type. It gains an incredible boost in its Attack, Defense, Special Attack and Special Defense after mega evolving. Its speed drops dramatically due to its immense weight gain and size.

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5 Comments on “Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter release postponed – FSPR68

  1. Personally, this doesn’t affect me as I don’t usually buy games through the Nintendo shop. I can understand why people are annoyed at this and feel that Nintendo should have anticipated the amount of people going on their servers, considering it is the holidays for many countries and religions.

    I wasn’t thinking of using the Pokemon Bank in the first place but now, hearing this, I am less likely to consider it in the future.

  2. I kind of predicted this was going to happen, to be honest. This is one of, if not the first time Nintendo has tried to undertake such a massive project involving the cloud. I doubt any eShop item has had so many purchases in such little time. Even Pokémon x and y were sold in hard copies in addition to digital, so that reduced much of the online traffic. But with Pokémon Bank, it is only online, so people with physical and digital copies of Pokémon all access the eShop at the same time, causing it to crash.

  3. I admit I am bummed about the delay. I’m not upset about the eshop trouble…stuff happens. I was really looking forward to the transporter and bank though. I hope they can release them soon.

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