E3 2014 Reactions – FSPR85

E3 2014 Reactions – FSPR85

E3 2014

Our E3 2014 Reactions

We take a look at the Pokémon and Nintendo news from E3 2014 and give our opinions and reactions. Not much was announced about the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire remakes, but we were shown Mega Sableye. We were also shown great news about the new games coming soon for Nintendo. Most notably, the new Legend of Zelda game for Wii U, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Yoshi’s Wooly World, and Bayonetta 2.

As usual, I go on a rant about what I would have wanted to see for the new Pokémon games. I mean, why can’t they just tell us more?

On a side note, we also discussed the trailer for Valiant Hearts, a video game that takes place during World War I which will be released on June 25, 2014. The trailer is very moving and transcends the notion of video games as just forms of mindless button mashing, but true forms of entertainment like watching movies or reading a book.

E3 2014 Trailers Playlist

Question of the Episode

What are your reactions from E3 2014?

Pokémon of the Episode: #57 Primepae

PrimeapePrimeape is the Pig Monkey Pokémon. It can have the Abilities Vital Spirit, Anger Point, or the Hidden Ability Defiant. It stands at 3’03” (1m) tall and weighs 70.5 pounds (32kg). Primeape is Fighting-type.

Mankey evolves into Primeape at level 28.


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