Pocket Monsters: The Origin, New Pokemon Game, X and Y Updates – FSPR50

Pocket Monsters: The Origin poster
Pocket Monsters: The Origin poster

Today’s episode, I’ll be discussing the new Pocket Monsters: The Origin anime special, a possible new Pokemon game called either “Pokken Fighters” or “Pokken Tournament,” and more Pokemon X and Y updates.

A new anime special called Pocket Monsters: The Origin will be airing on TV in Japan on October 2, 2013. I’m extremely excited to see this once it’s either subbed or dubbed because we get to see the Red and Blue (Green in Japan) story line from the Red, Blue, and Green video games played out on television. It seems like it goes through the story pretty fast because the special will have Red battling Brock, Team Rocket and Giovanni. It’ll be nice to finally see a real trainer portrayed on the screen instead of possibly the worst Pokemon Trainer – Ash “I’m going to give all my Pokemon away” Ketchum.

A strange preview of a possible new Pokemon game for the Nintendo Wii U was teased at the end of the Pokemon Game Show video below. I’m not sure if this is a new Pokemon Battle Revolution game or maybe a new game. It has been uncovered that The Pokemon Company International has trademarked “Pokken Fighters” and “Pokken Tournament.” By the titles themselves, these seem to be a new game. Only time will tell.

More Pokemon X and Y updates! It looks like Game Freak went all out to upgrade the new games. The Pokemon from older generations have updated cries, most notably Pikachu – it has its anime voice. The awesome new Super Training, which is an Effort Value (EV) training method that allows your Pokemon to EV train more quickly than battling. I’m excited to see what else this game can do.

Pokemon of the Episode: #76 Golem

Pocket Monsters: The Origin anime special to air Oct. 2
New Pokemon Game, ‘Pokkén Fighters’?
Trademarks found for new Pokémon product
Actual X/Y Music, Updated Cries for Old Pokemon
Official site reveals Super Training, Mega Pokémon and English names of three Pokémon
Pokémon X and Y demo unveils title screen, various game elements

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